
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Ralf Denzer” ,找到相关结果约3108条。
Isogeometric Analysis of Soil Plasticity  [PDF]
Alex Spetz, Erika Tudisco, Ralf Denzer, Ola Dahlblom
Geomaterials (GM) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/gm.2017.73008
In this paper we present numerical simulations of soil plasticity using isogeometric analysis comparing the results to the solutions from conventional finite element method. Isogeometric analysis is a numerical method that uses nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) as basis functions instead of the Lagrangian polynomials often used in the finite element method. These functions have a higher-order of continuity, making it possible to represent complex geometries exactly. After a brief outline of the theory behind the isogeometric concept, we give a presentation of the constitutive equations, used to simulate the soil behavior in this work. The paper concludes with numerical examples in two- and three-dimensions, which assess the accuracy of isogeometric analysis for simulations of soil behavior. The numerical examples presented show, that for drained soils, the results from isogeometric analysis are overall in good agreement with the conventional finite element method in two- and three-dimensions. Thus isogeometric analysis is a good alternative to conventional finite element analysis for simulations of soil behavior.
Linking Numerical Water Quality Models in an Environmental Information System for Integrated Environmental Assessments  [PDF]
Franklin Torres-Bejarano, Hermilo Ramirez, Ralf Denzer, Steven Frysinger, Thorsten Hell, Sascha Schlobinski
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2013.47A015

Decision makers involved in prevention of water contamination often lack the technical knowledge of water quality evaluation or the comprehension of complex software for environmental information management required to make effective decisions. Providing information about the environment is not an easy task due to its complex structure, relationships, and dynamic processes. Because environmental models play an important role in environmental decision support systems, the integration of models into user-friendly integrated information systems is a key factor in the support of such users. This paper presents an environmental information system which supports water protection of Coatzacoalcos River in Mexico, having as a main building block water quality assessments supported by mathematical modeling through the two-dimensional Saint Venant and Advection-Diffusion-Reaction equations to calculate the river hydrodynamics and the contaminant transport, respectively. The mathematical modeling solution yields appropriate results representing the river contaminant distribution when compared with field measurements. But the direct use of these models by decision makers is difficult at best, meaning they are not likely to be used in making practical decisions. The system described in this paper integrates these models, and several other tools, into a seamless, user-centered application, improving model usability, initial configuration, and results visualization.

Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Heat Transfer during Thermal Spraying of Complex Workpieces  [PDF]
Rolf Berthelsen, Thomas Wiederkehr, Ralf Denzer, Andreas Menzel, Heinrich Müller
World Journal of Mechanics (WJM) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2014.49029
Abstract: The quality of coatings, produced by thermal spraying processes, considerably decreases with the occurrence of higher residual stresses, which are especially pronounced for complex workpiece geometries. To understand the occurring effects and to aid in the planning of coating processes, simulations of the highly transient energy flux of the HVOF spray gun into the substrate are of great value. In this article, a software framework for the simulation of nonlinear heat transfer during (HVOF) thermal spraying is presented. One part of this framework employs an efficient GPU-based simulation algorithm to compute the time-dependent input boundary conditions for a spray gun that moves along a complex workpiece of arbitrary shape. The other part employs a finite-element model for a rigid heat conductor adhering to the computed boundary conditions. The model is derived from the fundamental equations of continuum thermodynamics where nonlinear temperature-depending heat conduction is assumed.<
Analysis of viscoelastic soft dielectric elastomer generators operating in an electrical circuit
Eliana Bortot,Ralf Denzer,Andreas Menzel,Massimiliano Gei
Physics , 2014,
Abstract: A predicting model for soft Dielectric Elastomer Generators (DEGs) must consider a realistic model of the electromechanical behaviour of the elastomer filling, the variable capacitor and of the electrical circuit connecting all elements of the device. In this paper such an objective is achieved by proposing a complete framework for reliable simulations of soft energy harvesters. In particular, a simple electrical circuit is realised by connecting the capacitor, stretched periodically by a source of mechanical work, in parallel with a battery through a diode and with an electrical load consuming the energy produced. The electrical model comprises resistances simulating the effect of the electrodes and of the conductivity current invariably present through the dielectric film. As these devices undergo a high number of electro-mechanical loading cycles at large deformation, the time-dependent response of the material must be taken into account as it strongly affects the generator outcome. To this end, the viscoelastic behaviour of the polymer and the possible change of permittivity with strains are analysed carefully by means of a proposed coupled electro-viscoelastic constitutive model, calibrated on experimental data available in the literature for an incompressible polyacrilate elastomer (3M VHB4910). Numerical results showing the importance of time-dependent behaviour on the evaluation of performance of DEGs for different loading conditions, namely equi-biaxial and uniaxial, are reported in the final section.
An Open Distributed Architecture for Sensor Networks for Risk Management
John Douglas,Thomas Usl?nder,Gerald Schimak,J. Fernando Esteban,Ralf Denzer
Sensors , 2008, DOI: 10.3390/s8031755
Abstract: Sensors provide some of the basic input data for risk management of natural andman-made hazards. Here the word ‘sensors’ covers everything from remote sensingsatellites, providing invaluable images of large regions, through instruments installed on theEarth’s surface to instruments situated in deep boreholes and on the sea floor, providinghighly-detailed point-based information from single sites. Data from such sensors is used inall stages of risk management, from hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment in the preeventphase, information to provide on-site help during the crisis phase through to data toaid in recovery following an event. Because data from sensors play such an important part inimproving understanding of the causes of risk and consequently in its mitigation,considerable investment has been made in the construction and maintenance of highlysophisticatedsensor networks. In spite of the ubiquitous need for information from sensornetworks, the use of such data is hampered in many ways. Firstly, information about thepresence and capabilities of sensor networks operating in a region is difficult to obtain dueto a lack of easily available and usable meta-information. Secondly, once sensor networkshave been identified their data it is often difficult to access due to a lack of interoperability between dissemination and acquisition systems. Thirdly, the transfer and processing ofinformation from sensors is limited, again by incompatibilities between systems. Therefore,the current situation leads to a lack of efficiency and limited use of the available data thathas an important role to play in risk mitigation. In view of this situation, the EuropeanCommission (EC) is funding a number of Integrated Projects within the Sixth FrameworkProgramme concerned with improving the accessibility of data and services for riskmanagement. Two of these projects: ‘Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure forRisk Management’ (ORCHESTRA, http://www.eu-orchestra.org/) and ‘Sensors Anywhere’(SANY, http://sany-ip.eu/) are discussed in this article. These projects have developed anopen distributed information technology architecture and have implemented web servicesfor the accessing and using data emanating, for example, from sensor networks. Thesedevelopments are based on existing data and service standards proposed by internationalorganizations. The projects seek to develop the ideals of the EC directive INSPIRE(http://inspire.jrc.it), which was launched in 2001 and whose implementation began this year(2007), into the risk management domain. Thanks to the open nature of the architecture andservices being developed within these projects, they can be implemented by any interestedparty and can be accessed by all potential users. The architecture is based around a serviceorientedapproach that makes use of Internet-based applications (web services) whose inputsand outputs conform to standards. The benefit of this philosophy is that it is expected tofavor the emergence of an operational market for risk management services in Europe, iteliminates the need to replace or radically alter the hundreds of already operational ITsystems in Europe (drastically lowering costs for users), and it allows users and stakeholdersto achieve interoperability while using the system most adequate to their needs, budgets,culture etc. (i.e. it has flexibility).
Erinnerungsorte und kulturelles Erbe – Spielpl tze der Repr sentationen von Vergangenheit
V. Denzer
Social Geography Discussions , 2006,
Abstract: Erinnerungsorte und kulturelles Erbe sind zwei Termini, die materielle und immaterielle Gegebenheiten zusammenziehen. Sie stehen für einen dezidiert selektiven gegenwartsbezogenen Umgang mit Vergangenheit. Zum einen dienen sie als Identifikationsanker der Bev lkerung. Zum anderen fungieren sie als ffentlichkeitswirksame Instrumente der Selbstdarstellung sozialer Gruppen sowie zur Legitimation politischer Entscheidungen. Ihr symbolischer Wert bleibt jedoch nicht einfach über die Dauer ihrer materiellen Existenz konstant. Besonders in Zeiten sozio konomischer und kultureller Umbrüche, wenn bestehende Wahrnehmungs- und Deutungsmuster ins Wanken geraten, wird um neue vorherrschende Bedeutungen gestritten. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages werden an zwei Beispielen, der Chemnitzer Innenstadt und Ferropolis – der Stadt aus Eisen (bei Gr fenhainichen/Bitterfeld), der wechselnde Fokus auf Pr sentationen des Vergangen analysiert und die damit in einem weiteren gesellschaftlichen Kontext kommunizierten Konnotationen interpretiert. Am Chemnitzer Beispiel konnte zum einen gezeigt werden, wie an bereits bestehende Orte als Zeichentr ger neue Semantiken angeh ngt wurden, um eine identit tsstiftende Wirkung für die Bev lkerung im Jetzt zu erzielen. Zum anderen wurde über die Symbolisierung von Architektur eine Imageaufwertung der Stadt intendiert. Einen kompensatorischen Umgang mit Vergangenheit wurde mit der musealisierenden Inszenierung der Alltagsgeschichte in Ferropolis verfolgt.
Quality Assurance in Endoscopy: Which Parameters?
Ulrike W. Denzer
- , 2016, DOI: 10.1159/000443653
Abstract: The verbalisation of quality standards and parameters by medical societies are relevant for qualitative improvement but may also be an instrument to demand more resources for health care or be a unique characteristic. Within the health care system 3 different quality levels can be defined: structure, process and result quality
Trends of Abundance of Salton Sea Fish: A Reversible Collapse or a Permanent Condition?  [PDF]
Ralf Riedel
Natural Resources (NR) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/nr.2016.710045
Abstract: The Salton Sea is a closed-basin, 980 km2 salt lake in the Sonoran Desert of southern California. Three marine species, bairdiella (Bairdiella icistia), orangemouth corvina (Cynoscion xanthulus), and sargo (Anisotremus davidsoni), established from introductions of over 34 species beginning in 1929. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, a hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. urolepis hornorum) invaded the Salton Sea and became dominant by number and weight. Recent surveys show a precipitous decline of all four species above starting sometime between 2001 and 2002. Declines were more evident in nearshore than in estuarine habitats. Corvina has probably declined the soonest, followed by Gulf croaker. Tilapia declines were followed by more recent increases in population numbers. The tilapia rebound observed are probably only sustainable if a curb in Salton Sea salinity levels is realized. The marine species will likely need restocking to reach historic levels, if the salinity of the lake is managed at 40 gL1 or below. Restoration alternatives for the Salton Sea must take into consideration estuarine areas as essential fish habitats and fish refuge against high salinities.
A case of phace syndrome and acquired hypopituitarism?
Friederike Denzer, Christian Denzer, Belinda S Lennerz, Harald Bode, Martin Wabitsch
International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1687-9856-2012-20
Abstract: We are reporting a girl with PHACE syndrome. The patient had a congenital right-sided facial hemangioma with plaque-morphology. At age 11?years and 2?months she presented with short stature, markedly decreased growth velocity and signs and symptoms suggestive of hypothyroidism. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed complex structural and cerebrovascular arterial anomalies, including an empty sella. Testing of pituitary function revealed multiple pituitary dysfunctions, including absolute growth hormone deficiency, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, central hypothyroidism, and secondary adrenal insufficiency.This case suggests the necessity to screen all patients with PHACE syndrome and intracranial malformations for pituitary dysfunction at regular intervals.
Treatment of Hypothalamic Obesity with Dextroamphetamine: A Case Series
Belinda S. Lennerz,Christian Denzer,Friederike Denzer,Heike Vollbach,Martin Wabitsch,Robert H. Lustig
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1159/000495851
Abstract: A limited number of published case reports suggest a positive effect of dextroamphetamine, an adrenergic agonist affecting both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system, on physical activity and weight in patients with hypothalamic obesity (intractable obesity following CNS insult). Here, we present our clinical experience with dextroamphetamine treatment for hypothalamic obesity

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